Apply for domestic violence order
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Apply for Domestic Violence Order Brisbane, Domestic Violence Lawyers Brisbane, DV Application Lawyers, Brisbane Lawyers, DV Lawyer Brisbane Lawyers, Domestic & Family Violence Lawyers, Apply for Dv Lawyers, Apply for Domestic Violence Court Order Brisbane.
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apply for a Domestic violence ORDER
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers are experienced at dealing with issues of Domestic and Family Violence and the sensitivities of protecting clients against what can be a difficult dynamic.
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers genuinely care about our clients wellbeing and can provide assistance to hold abusers accountable and bring the safety and wellbeing of you and your family to the forefront. Domestic and Family Violence is a pattern of behaviour intended to control, establish power or cause fear by one person against another. This behaviour and control can manifest in a number of ways which can quickly escalate - Domestic Violence does not end upon separation and in fact there may be increased risks. Domestic and Family violence is not always physical abuse. Often it includes different types of harmful behaviour such as emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, social abuse, verbal abuse, spiritual abuse, coercive control and even elder or child abuse to name a few. Knowing the signs can help you recognise abuse and allow you to take appropriate steps to intervene or find help - Everyone has the right to live without fear of violence or abuse. If you're experiencing domestic or family violence you can apply for a domestic violence protection order, or ask the police to apply for you. A domestic violence protection order is a court order setting out the conditions for how the person who is being violent ('the respondent') must behave. For example an order could stop a respondent from contacting or approaching you or stop a respondent from contacting relatives, children or friends. An application must be filed with the Court (usually filed in a Magistrates Court). It is always best to obtain legal advice from an experienced domestic violence lawyer before filing an application to ensure the application is drafted correctly and entails all the relivant information to ensure your applications best chance of sucsess. After an application has been submitted to the court, the matter will be dealt with at a court mention. If the applicant and respondent agree on an order being made and on the conditions of that order, the court will generally make an order on the spot. If the respondent does not consent to the order, the court will consider whether a temporary protection order is needed and likely give directions for a hearing date. Those directions usualy require that parties file affidavit evidence which is to be submitted to the court and served on each party. At hearing of the matter, the court will hear evidence from both parties as to why the order should or should not be made. The Court will then make a decision as to whether to make a Protection order. Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers have settled several Domestic Violence matters without the need to go to a trial resulting in significant cost savings for our clients while at the same time obtaining consent orders. Where this has not been possible our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers have have a significant track record of sucseeding at hearing obtaining protection orders for our clients.
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers genuinely care about our clients wellbeing and can provide assistance to hold abusers accountable and bring the safety and wellbeing of you and your family to the forefront. Domestic and Family Violence is a pattern of behaviour intended to control, establish power or cause fear by one person against another. This behaviour and control can manifest in a number of ways which can quickly escalate - Domestic Violence does not end upon separation and in fact there may be increased risks. Domestic and Family violence is not always physical abuse. Often it includes different types of harmful behaviour such as emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, social abuse, verbal abuse, spiritual abuse, coercive control and even elder or child abuse to name a few. Knowing the signs can help you recognise abuse and allow you to take appropriate steps to intervene or find help - Everyone has the right to live without fear of violence or abuse. If you're experiencing domestic or family violence you can apply for a domestic violence protection order, or ask the police to apply for you. A domestic violence protection order is a court order setting out the conditions for how the person who is being violent ('the respondent') must behave. For example an order could stop a respondent from contacting or approaching you or stop a respondent from contacting relatives, children or friends. An application must be filed with the Court (usually filed in a Magistrates Court). It is always best to obtain legal advice from an experienced domestic violence lawyer before filing an application to ensure the application is drafted correctly and entails all the relivant information to ensure your applications best chance of sucsess. After an application has been submitted to the court, the matter will be dealt with at a court mention. If the applicant and respondent agree on an order being made and on the conditions of that order, the court will generally make an order on the spot. If the respondent does not consent to the order, the court will consider whether a temporary protection order is needed and likely give directions for a hearing date. Those directions usualy require that parties file affidavit evidence which is to be submitted to the court and served on each party. At hearing of the matter, the court will hear evidence from both parties as to why the order should or should not be made. The Court will then make a decision as to whether to make a Protection order. Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers have settled several Domestic Violence matters without the need to go to a trial resulting in significant cost savings for our clients while at the same time obtaining consent orders. Where this has not been possible our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers have have a significant track record of sucseeding at hearing obtaining protection orders for our clients.
peace & good behavior application
If you have a dispute with someone who isn’t considered a respondent under the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act such as a neighbour or freind, you may be able to apply for a peace and good behaviour order under the Peace and Good Behaviour Act to protect your right to peace and quiet, undisturbed by threats to your wellbeing or your quality of life.
If you would like to chat to a Brisbane Lawyer we offer a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation.