VARY domestic violence ORDER
(07) 3180 0106
Vary DVO Lawyers, Vary Domestic Violence Conditions, Lawyer Brisbane, Lawyers in Brisbane DV, Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers, Domestic Violence Solicitor, Brisbane Domestic Violence Law Firm, DVO, Family Violence Lawyers.
vary an order
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers are experienced at Varying Domestic Violence Orders and dealing with the sensitivities of protecting or defending clients against what can be a difficult dynamic.
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers are here to help if circumstances have changed after a domestic violence order is made. Either party (the applicant or the respondent to the order) can apply to a Magistrates Court to vary the conditions of an order including the orders operational period. For example, you may wish to extend, reduce or even cancel the operational period or vary a condition or conditions or add or remove named people on the order. The court must consider whether the requested changes will reduce your and/or a named person’s safety, protection or wellbeing (if you are the aggrieved or a named person). If you are the respondent they consider whether the requested changes will affect the aggrieved or a named person in this way. If the court decides to make the changes you are asking for, it will issue a varied order. If the court does not agree to the changes you are asking for, the current domestic violence order will remain in place.
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers have a track record of sucseeding in such applications. It is always best to first obtain legal advice from an experienced domestic violence lawyer.
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers are here to help if circumstances have changed after a domestic violence order is made. Either party (the applicant or the respondent to the order) can apply to a Magistrates Court to vary the conditions of an order including the orders operational period. For example, you may wish to extend, reduce or even cancel the operational period or vary a condition or conditions or add or remove named people on the order. The court must consider whether the requested changes will reduce your and/or a named person’s safety, protection or wellbeing (if you are the aggrieved or a named person). If you are the respondent they consider whether the requested changes will affect the aggrieved or a named person in this way. If the court decides to make the changes you are asking for, it will issue a varied order. If the court does not agree to the changes you are asking for, the current domestic violence order will remain in place.
Our Brisbane Domestic Violence Lawyers have a track record of sucseeding in such applications. It is always best to first obtain legal advice from an experienced domestic violence lawyer.
If you would like to chat to a Brisbane Lawyer we offer a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation.